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Becel Vegan | Made with 100% Vegan Ingredients

becel vegan
Calling all vegans. We make this lactose- and gluten-free variety with all vegan ingredients.


becel vegan


Canola oil 74%, Water, Modified palm and palm kernel oils 6%, Salt, Natural flavours, Lactic acid, Vitamin A palmitate (vitamin A), Vitamin D2, Beta carotene, Soy lecithin, Calcium disodium EDTA.

Frequently Asked Questions

Non-hydrogenated? Yes
No Trans fat per serving? Yes
Low in saturated fat? Yes
Can you bake and cook with Becel® Vegan? Yes
Can you pan fry with Becel® Vegan? Yes
Can you freeze Becel® Vegan? Not recommended
How long can you store Becel® Vegan? Several months (refrigerated)
Is it Gluten-free? Yes
Is Becel® Vegan dairy free and lactose free? Yes
Is Becel® Vegan kosher? Yes
Is Becel® Vegan certified Halal? Yes
Source of Omega 3 polyunsaturates? Yes